Based on our mission statement, corporate philosophy, and action guidelines, we will strive sincerely to solve global issues and enhance our corporate value through our business activities in the aim of realizing a society with sustainable mobility.
Our Action Guidelines
Based on our company motto, philosophy, and management policy, we aim to further solidify the trust of our business partners and society, and to make further progress as a truly global company. We have established “Our Action Guidelines”.
- Compliance with laws and ordinances
- We always give top priority to ethically appropriate conduct in all our activities. We always comply with laws and ordinances and act with a good social conscience as a good member of society in keeping with being a company with a high commitment to legal compliance. If we discover any violation or possible violation of any laws, ordinances or company rules, we will report the matter, make suggestions, and consult with our direct supervisor or the Corporate Ethics Kaizen Window.
- Respect for human rights
- We respect all individual and human rights of our colleagues in the workplace.
We do not tolerate any child labor, forced labor, discrimination or any type of harassment that violates human rights. - Labor and Safety & Health
- We will establish a safe and secure working environment for all our employees, and maintain a pleasant and safe working environment.
- Quality
- We strictly follow the highest standards and procedures giving top priority to provide products and services with safety to meet customer’s expectations.
- Compliance with company rules
- We create our company’s internal rules and regulations based on rational reasoning and relevant objectives to create a fair and equal working environment and we commit to communicating with our employees effectively.
- Traffic safety
- As a member of the automotive components manufactures, we always observe trac safety laws, rules and regulations, being a good citizen on the road by giving way to others on the road.
- Environmental protection
- We will endeavor to protect the environment, with the belief that the Earth belongs to all humankind. We always consider minimizing the impact on nature and optimize energy resource utilization in production.
- Increasing corporate value
- We believe the purpose of a company as a going concern is the creation of value. We will always strive to maximize socially accepted corporate values by bringing prot long-term for our shareholders and society.
- Disclosure and management of information
- We strictly distinguish and manage information from personal, company condential, and to be disclosed appropriately. However, we strive to publicly make available any required information in accordance with respective laws and corporate regulations appropriately and in a timely manner.
- Fair transactions
- We always ensure business is conducted in a free, equal and fair manner with transparency, and will not engage or agree with any irrational, corrupt business practices.
We will not allow giving and receiving of any benet or convenience beyond reasonable and legal limits socially acceptable, and we will not maintain any unfair relationship with political parties or government authorities.
We will never permit or tolerate any relationship or connection with any anti-social organizations or behaviors which may threaten the safety and well-being of our society. - Community involvement
- Being a member of the local community, we support the creation of an equal, wealthy and well-being of our society through participation in local community development, promotion of cultural, educational, and the improvement of the welfare of the local society.
F-tech Group Ethics Policy
The F-tech Group has established “Compliance with Laws and Regulations,” “Compliance with Internal Rules,” and “Fair Trade” as part of “Our Code of Conduct”. The F-tech Group has recently established the F-tech Group Ethics Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) to further substantiate its ethical behavior.
After obtaining advice from outside experts and respecting the United Nations “Global Compact” adopted in July 2000 and the Keidanren “Charter of Corporate Behavior. This policy was approved by the Board of Directors of F-tech Inc. on November 21, 2023.
Through the implementation of this policy, we will work together with our stakeholders to engage in business activities in order to continue to be a company that society accepts. This policy is disclosed on the F-tech Group’s website and is communicated to all stakeholders.
1.Basic Policy
The F-tech Group places the highest priority on ethics to conduct all of its actions, always complying with the laws and rules of each country in which it operates, and acting with social good sense to remain a highly law-abiding company. In addition, we shall comply with internal rules and regulations in order to build an equal and sound work environment with better communication. Furthermore, we will not follow unreasonable business practices and will work to prevent all forms of corruption, including profiteering, favors, extortion, and bribery that exceed socially accepted norms. We will also not have any relationships with political or administrative bodies or antisocial forces, and conduct free, fair, and sound business transactions.
The F-tech Group has established the following individual policies that embody and supplement important individual areas of compliance. The relevant policies, etc. are as follows
・Corporate Governance Guidelines (established November 2015, revised November 2021)
・Information Security Guidelines (established April 2019)
・F-tech Group Tax Policy (established March 2023)
・Supplier Sustainability Guidelines (established October 2023)
2.Scope (of a document)
This policy applies to all officers and employees (including temporary employees) of the F-tech Group (F-tech Inc. and its subsidiaries). The F-tech Group also expects all business partners of Ftech group to understand and support the contents of this policy and requests to comply with it.
3.Project Structure
The president of the board of directors has the highest responsibility for promoting compliance throughout the F-tech Group, and the director in charge of the administrative division is responsible for promoting compliance. The Compliance Promotion Manager holds the Compliance Committee meetings to promote compliance.
<Role of the Compliance Committee>
・Deliberations on the Group’s overall compliance program and various measures
・Discussion of the progress of the F-tech Group’s compliance program
<Composition and Roles of the Compliance Committee>
・Committee Chairman : Officer in Charge of Administration oversees, directs, and supervises the compliance program
・Committee Members : General Manager of each department establishes compliance system and makes sure of its adherence to policies in each department
・Executive office Administration Division: General Affairs Department, Administration Division: Promotion of the operation of the Compliance Committee under the direction of the chairperson
4.Matters considered in international norms
(1) Prohibition of corrupt practices
The F-tech Group shall not offer or promise any money, goods or other benefits to government officials or similar persons for the purpose of obtaining business profits. We shall comply with the anti-corruption laws and regulations of all countries in which we operate, and shall not engage in any corrupt acts, including bribery, breach of trust, embezzlement, and insider trading.
(2) Prohibition of Conflicts of Interest
In order to maintain fairness in its dealings, the F-tech Group will not engage in any conflicts of interest regulated by law in all countries in which it operates.
(3) Prohibition of Fraud and Deception
The F-tech Group, in accordance with its belief that fraud is unacceptable, will strive to create an organization that does not engage in intentional acts of deception, misrepresentation or concealment of material facts, or complicity in crimes such as money laundering.
(4) Prohibition of anti-competitive practices
The F-tech Group will follow the laws and regulations of all countries in which it operates, including “prohibition of private monopolization,” “prohibition of unfair restraint of trade (cartels and bid rigging),” and “prohibition of unfair trade practices,” and will conduct business through free and fair competition.
(5) Ensuring Information Security
The F-tech Group is committed to the appropriate management of its information assets, the prevention of information security incidents, and the safe and accurate operation of its information assets.
5.Internal Reporting System
The F-tech Group has established a “F-tech Group Corporate Ethics Improvement Proposal Desk” both internally and externally for direct contact and consultation regarding human rights (harassment and working conditions), corrupt practices (bribery, anti-competitive practices, etc.), and violations of laws, regulations, and corporate ethics.
Proposals to the desk will be accepted from all employees of the F-tech Group. The privacy of the proposer shall be protected, and necessary measures shall be taken to ensure that the proposer will not be disadvantaged in the performance of his/her duties because of his/her proposal to the contact point. We will conduct fact-finding investigations to determine whether there are any legal or ethical issues with respect to the reports we receive. Depending on the importance of the suggestion, the Company will take internal disciplinary action, issue cautions and instructions, and alert employees via e-mail or other means.
In order to create ethical awareness among all F-tech employees and to ensure that all employees are aware of the contact information for the Corporate Ethics Improvement Proposal Desk, we distribute the “Our Code of Conduct” pocket book and a guidebook for easy understanding. In addition, information is distributed through a monthly e-mail newsletter, as well as periodic compliance training will be provided to employees according to job level.
7.Understanding Ethics and Compliance Awareness
We conduct periodic questionnaires on stress checks at each workplace, and in the course of these checks, we review for sign of any occurrence of harassment and other problems. Based on the results of this analysis, each organization and workplace implements improvement measures, and the Compliance Committee monitors the progress of these measures.
F-tech Group Human Rights and Labor Policy
The F-tech Group has established “Respect for Human Rights” as part of “Our Code of Conduct”. The F-tech Group has recently adopted the corporate motto, “We will do our utmost to create value with high aspirations and sincerity from a global perspective, contribute to national society, and build a prosperous future. and the management philosophy “Respect for Humanity,” and to further substantiate our respect for human rights, we have established the F-tech Group Human Rights and Labor Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”).
This policy is guided by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, adopted in June 2011, and in accordance with international norms on human rights, including the United Nations Bill of Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and after obtaining advice from outside experts, was approved by the Board of Directors of F-tech Inc. on November 21, 2023.
Through the implementation of this policy, we will work together with our stakeholders to engage in sustainable business activities in order to continue to be a company that society accepts.
This policy is disclosed on the F-tech Group’s website and is communicated to all stakeholders.
1.Commitment to Respect for Human Rights
The F-tech Group recognizes that its business activities may affect the human rights of various internal and external stakeholders.
The F-tech Group respects human rights as expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO Core Labour Standards listed in the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We also support the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and work toward implementation in our business activities.
The F-tech Group shall comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region in which it operates. However, in cases where there is a conflict between the laws and regulations of each country or region and international human rights principles, we will seek to respect international human rights principles.
2.Scope (of a document)
This policy applies to all officers and employees (including temporary employees) of the F-tech Group (F-tech Inc. and subsidiaries).
The F-tech Group also expects all of its business partners to understand and support the contents of this policy and encourages them to comply with it.
The F-tech Group has established respect for human rights as one of its most important management issues, and will clarify the officers responsible for formulating and implementing this policy, establish an appropriate internal system, and reflect the policy in its business policies and procedures.
4.Respect for Human Rights
The F-tech Group recognizes the following as key issues related to human rights and will promote initiatives to respect human rights. We will continuously review the policy as human rights risks may change with business development and business trends.
(1) Prohibition of discrimination and harassment
We will not engage in discrimination or harassment based on race, nationality, place of origin, gender, age, religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
(2) Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
We do not permit any form of forced or compulsory labor or the employment of children under the minimum age for employment as stipulated by the laws of each country or region.
(3) Respect for workers’ rights
We will respect workers’ rights to organize, bargain collectively, and act collectively, and will prevent low-wage labor and long working hours.
(4) Creation of a safe and healthy working environment
We will strive to maintain a safe and healthy working environment and promote the maintenance and improvement of the physical and mental health of our employees.
(5) Sharing human rights with business partners
We will share with our business partners our concern for human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption, and engage in ongoing discussion regarding respect for human rights.
5.Practice of respect for human rights
(1) Human Rights Due Diligence
In order to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights, the F-tech Group will establish a human rights due diligence system in accordance with procedures based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and shall continuously strive to prevent or mitigate negative impacts on human rights.
(2) Remedies and Corrections
When it becomes clear that F-tech Group has directly or indirectly caused or contributed to a negative impact on human rights, F-tech Group shall work to remedy the situation. As part of these efforts, the F-tech Group has established “F-tech Group Corporate Ethics Improvement Proposal Desk,” which all directors and employees can consult with and report to, as well as “Contact Us” page on the F-tech Group’s website will also allow stakeholders to report such matters.
(3) Education and Training
The F-tech Group conducts appropriate education and training for all officers and employees to ensure that the policy is properly understood and implemented.
(4) Communication and Consultation with Stakeholders
The F-tech Group will consult with outside experts and engage in communicating and consulting with relevant stakeholders regarding implementation of this policy.
(5) Information Disclosure
The F-tech Group shall disclose information on its efforts to respect human rights through its website and other means.